Be on Mission with God: Service-Evangelism-Missions
Through divine appointments and relational evangelism, a disciple engages non-believers with the Gospel by forming intentional relationships in their workplace, neighborhood, and community.
As people of faith, we confidently expect God to work powerfully in our lives, in our relationships, and in our community as we build this church on the Life that is Christ Jesus. We will live boldly for God with a “pioneering spirit” that attempts great things for His kingdom. We will not be content unless we tell others about Jesus.
The results and impact of this will be represented both inside and outside Life Church, as we continue to mature in our relationship with Jesus and proclaim His name to the ends of the earth.
Disciple Making involves both Evangelism and Discipleship.
Effective evangelism will produce discipling and holistic discipleship will always produce evangelism.
As we get into God’s Word, His Word gets into us and will be present in all that we do.